Putting the Potato Back On Your Plate: A Longevity Food

The "low-carb" movement (ketogenic, Paleo, carnivore diets) have given potatoes a bad name. Even the Harvard School of Public Health does not list them as a healthy food, undoubtedly because so many potatoes are eaten as french fries, not simply boiled or baked. Other advocates, particularly, the recently deceased John McDougal, MD, have promoted potatoes as a central staple in a healthy diet.

What does the science say? A new study sheds important light on the healthy aspects of eating potatoes


Adults from 3 Norwegian counties were invited to 3 health screenings in 1974–1988 (>80% attendance). Dietary data were collected using semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires at each screening to categorize weekly potato consumption (≤6, 7–13, or ≥14 potatoes/wk) and calculate daily cumulative mean intakes (grams/day).

The end points were the risk of death from all causes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), ischemic heart disease (IHD), and acute myocardial infarction (AMI).


Among 77,297 participants with a mean baseline age of 41 year, we observed 27,848 deaths, including 9072 deaths due to CVD, over a median follow-up of 33 years.

Participants who consumed ≥14 potatoes/wk had a 12% lower risk of all-cause death compared with those consuming ≤6 potatoes/wk.

Potato consumption was associated with a minor, inverse risk of death due to CVD, IHD, and AMI (more potatoes, fewer events).

Each 100 g/d increment in potato consumption was associated with 4% lower risk of death from all causes, ischemic heart disease overall, and acute myocardial infarction. 


A generally high consumption of predominantly boiled potatoes was associated with a lower risk of  death from all causes, CVD, and IHD.  Their were no signals of harm from eating a high amount of potatoes.

Potatoes contain antioxidants and supply beneficial vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, B6, and potassium. They may also benefit your digestive health. Potatoes are a versatile root vegetable and a staple food in many households. Potatoes are relatively cheap, easy to grow and packed with a variety of nutrients.

It appears that there is no reason to fear a boiled or baked potato, even on a regular basis. Carbs like cookies are a no, carbs like potatoes are a yes. 


Dr. Joel Kahn

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